Intellectual Property Valuation Services-New Appraisal Services to be Conducted by Patent Attorneys

更新日 : 2015.10.07

“Valuation of intellectual property” means that the business is evaluated from the viewpoint of intellectual property by regarding intellectual property as an important management resource and analyzing intellectual property such as patents and trademarks held by a company along with the business of the company. There are qualitative value evaluations that analyze and evaluate the legal and technical value of intellectual property, and quantitative value evaluations that evaluate its economic and financial value.

The purpose of intellectual property valuation is primarily to help companies manage their business strategies, business development and new businesses exploring in the future. For this purpose, intellectual property, typically patent rights and trademark rights owned by a company is clarified as intangible assets, and its technical and economic value is objectively analyzed and evaluated. The intellectual property to be analyzed may include those of the company itself, the company’s competitors and the whole industrial market to which the company belongs.

As factors to be considered for valuation of intellectual property, it is determined whether or not the intellectual property matches the management strategy and business development of the company after confirming the current status of the right, for example, whether the application has been filed, published, registered and still valid, whether the right belongs to the subject company, whether the scope of rights (scope of claims) is appropriate, and whether or not there is validity and stability as a right (whether or not there is a reason for invalidity). This series of processes is sometimes referred to as “qualitative evaluation of intellectual property.” Intellectual property can also be scored from the above perspectives.

Intellectual property is an intangible property that does not exist in kind, but has the same monetary value as tangible movables such as real estate. Therefore, it is possible to combine the intellectual property with its financial value and calculate the economic value thereof based on the results of the scoring of intellectual property mentioned above and the relationship with the sales of the company. This is sometimes referred to as “quantitative evaluation of intellectual property.”

In other words, when we refer to the valuation of intellectual property, it has two meanings: “qualitative evaluation of intellectual property” and “quantitative evaluation of intellectual property.” Whichever it may be qualitative or quantitative, based on the results of analysis and evaluation, we will provide proposals and advice to effectively utilize the intellectual property owned by the company as a management strategy for the company in the future. This process can also be referred to as the valuation of intellectual property.