IP landscape for “Offensive Intellectual Property”

更新日 : 2019.05.14

Yesterday’s Nikkei Online article (May 13, 2019) states that the management team of company has emphasized corporate strategy based on “IP landscape” in favor of “offensive intellectual property”. The words of the directors of intellectual property at Bridgestone, Asahi Kasei and Kai Corp. are quoted.

“It is important to make presentation so as to make the management team interested by incorporating the movements of the industry and other companies, not using the terms and complicated diagrams that only engineers and persons of intellectual property departments can understand.” <Bridgestone,  Intellectual Property Headquarters, General Manager, Mr. Mitsuru Araki>

“In order to establish IP landscape, it is necessary to gain the trust of the management team and each business division of the company.”<Asahi Kasei,  Intellectual Property Department, General Manager, Ms. Sakae Nakamura>

“Younger people of the development team have become confident and changed their eyes to think about patents and ideas.” <Kai Corp.,  Intellectual Property Department, General Manager,  Mr. Keiichi Jibiki>

IP landscape is important to make the management team and the development camps, who are not necessarily intellectual property experts, understand the importance of management strategies based on intellectual property. So, their words are exacly right. How to show is important in IP landscape. The article contains several unsophisticated and sophisticated examples of IP strategy, which are of interest.